Reminiscence Therapy and Resource Boxes
What is Reminiscence Therapy?
Reminiscence therapy is usually described as the use of triggers that promote the recollection of life histories, or overall stimulation of them, with a positive impact in overall wellbeing. The therapy has been used with people living with dementia with very positive impact and results in their overall health, comfort and sense of security.
What are Resource Boxes?
Resource boxes are themed boxed with a series of objects that trigger memory through the stimulation of the five senses. Each box is aimed to stimulate an enjoyable journey through memory lane.
WRAP carries more than 40 themed resource boxes. From housekeeping, new baby, home décor, school days and shopping to the Royal family, Christmas, car maintenance, the Swinging 60s, bonfire night, gardening, sports and World War I plus many, many other themes. We are always adding new themes to our resource centre and updating contents of existing boxes.

You can rent a resource box on a weekly basis and enjoy it for a maximum period of 21 days. If you are interested in taking them home or sharing them with your community group, then we invite you to become a member of our Triggerbank Loan Scheme for an annual £60 membership fee.
Please either call our office on 01789 261061 or send us an email to so we can set up membership.
Examples of the boxes are shown below. We also have many historical picture books dating from before the First World War that may be rented.